Dear visitor,
please notice that the English version of our site gets updated only regarding our international projects.
If you are interested in our national activities too, please visit the Greek version.
Welcome to Olympic Training
OLYMPIC TRAINING promotes applied research and the introduction of modern and innovative educational methods in the field of adult education at local, national and European level and offers lifelong learning and vocational training services.
In the rural economy, it provides support and consulting services within the CAP around the IACS and the national RDP (Young Farmers programs, etc.). It also provides services around the Land Registry.
Indicatively our activities:
- Research and development of innovative products and services of transnational interest in lifelong learning through pilot European programs (Erasmus, Erasmus +, AMIF etc.)
- Design, development and implementation of targeted in-company training programs
- Voucher training programs for the unemployed
- Education - training programs for the self-employed and employees (Security Technicians, EFET, LAEK etc)
- Trainers' training programs
- Assistance in submitting IACS declarations and related services
- Studies and applications for inclusion in RDP programs (Young Farmers, Improvement Plans, etc.)
- Assistance in submitting declarations to the Land Registry
- Services of authorized examination centers for the certification of skills (informatics and rational use of pesticides)
OLYMPIC TRAINING is certified as a Center for Lifelong Learning Level 2 (KDVM 2) in VET and about the IACS as a Center for Submission of Applications (KYD).