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Learning Community- Immigrants as Educational Facilitators Pave the Way for Immigrants to Access Lifelong Learning
Grundtvig Multilateral Project
Published: 25/05/2022
Views: 1144

Program title:  Learning Community – Migrants as Education Multipliers Pave the Way for Migrant Access to Lifelong Learning

Brief description: Main focus of the project was to train migrants to act as educational ambassadors, helping members of migrant communities to utilize offers of lifelong learning, and to understand why such programs are important concerning their personal development as well as their professional career.

Transnational partners: Olympic Training (GR), Gesundheit Berlin e.V. (DE), ZEBRA (AT), IQ Roma Service (CZ) , CESO (NL), Berliner Beauftragte für Integration und Migration (DE), KompetenzZentrum interkulturelle Öffnung der Altenhilfe (DE). Coordinator: BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (DE).


Implementation period: 10.2009 – 9.2012