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Rooms 2 Vet:

Upskilling and Professionalisation of private tourism accommodation services
ERASMUS+ 2015-1-HR01-KA202-013096
Published: 25/05/2022
Views: 1052

Rooms to VET - Upskilling and Professionalisation of private tourism accommodation services is a 24-month (September 2015-2017) EU co-funded project under the Erasmus+ programme, implemented by 9 partners from 5 EU countries (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, Spain), experts in the fields of tourism and VET.
Rooms to VET aims to maintain and increase the competitiveness of the European tourism industry through the development of an e-learning platform of 6 Modules to support the upskilling and professionalisation of tourism services provided by owners of private accommodations, small residences and family arrangements.
The partnership consists of Olympic Training and Militos Consulting S.A. from Greece, the training center Innovation Training Center, S.L. / ITC and the tourist association Asociacion Hotelera de Menorca /ASHOME from Spain, NGO Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs / CCEIA and the R&Do Limited from Cyprus and the universities University of Zadar and University of Primorska Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica / UP from Croatia and Slovenia respectively. The coordinator of the project is Institute for Tourism from Croatia.
To view the project flyer please click here.
For the full project summary please click here.
Project Url:

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