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Train Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe
ERASMUS+ 2014-1-EL01-KA202-001576
Published: 05/05/2022
Views: 1262

ERASMUS+ PROJECT: TIME - Train Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe

The projectTrain Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe -TIME (project number 2014-1-EL01-KA202-001576) is a Strategic Partnership in the field of vocational education and training under the new European program Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (click here for theofficial Erasmus+ flyer). TIME started the 1st of September 2014 and will end in August 2016.
Eight partners from Greece, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland and Portugal join their forces in order to depict for the first time an overview of the training and employing practices of intercultural mediators for immigrants applied throughout the EU. This will allow the identification and exchange of good practices in the field of intercultural mediation and the design of model training programs for both intercultural mediators and their trainers. TIME will also analyze existing structures in the partner countries and propose recommendations for the accreditation and certification of intercultural mediators' training.
The partnership consists ofOlympic Trainingand theHellenic Open Universityfrom Greece, the training center BESTfrom Austria, the Intercultural Mediation Unit of the Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and Environmentfrom Belgium, theBGZ Berlin International Cooperation Agencyfrom Germany, the social cooperativeProgramma Integrafrom Italy, the University Pope John-Paul II from Poland, and theLisbon Municipal Police from Portugal. The coordinator of the project is Olympic Training.
For the full project summary please clickhere.



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