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Boosting the technical and non-technical skills and competences of smart cities technicians and engineers
Project No: 101052513 — SMACITE — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO
Published: 08/09/2022
Views: 1097

SMACITE is an Erasmus+ project drawn up under the Key Action 2 Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances 2021 Programme that is being implemented by 12 partners under the coordination of the University of Patras.  The project aims to address the skills gap of Smart Cities technicians and engineers, by designing and testing a vocational education and training program that is based on a novel and multi-disciplinary curriculum combining digital skills on Smart Cities enabling technologies, with soft, entrepreneurship and green skills.

The expected project outputs are:

  • A Smart Cities competences map and ESCO-compliant Smart Cities job profiles.
  • A Smart Cities curriculum combining both technical and non-technical skills and competences and promoting personalized learning pathways.
  • Learning resources for Smart Cities enabling technologies and for building the soft, entrepreneurship and green skills of Smart Cities technicians and Engineers.
  • A diagnostic tool to identify personalized learning pathways.
  • A MOOC for Smart Cities enabling technologies.
  • Virtual Worlds for building the soft, green and entrepreneurship skills of Smart Cities technicians and engineers.

The main project beneficiaries are Smart Cities technician and engineers either from the public sector (i.e. municipalities) or enterprises providing Smart Cities solutions, as well as HEI and VET students interested in Smart Cities.

The curriculum will be tested through 4 national pilots in Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Italy with at least 160 trainees. The certification of the skills and competences will follow a two-fold approach:

(a) using micro-credentials to recognize the knowledge and skills gained through the successful completion of each online training module at the MOOC and Virtual Worlds and (b) designing the “Smart Cities Specialization Certification” that will be awarded to those passing online certifications exams with e-proctoring after the completion of the training modules.

The project will create an ecosystem for the co-design and co-development of an innovative curriculum and technology-enhanced learning tools for the upskilling/reskilling of Smart Cities technicians and engineers.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.